Something in the Rain : 밥 잘 사주는 예쁜 누나
What it is: South Korean television romance drama series.
Broadcast Info: From March 30, 2018 on Friday and Saturday at 11P.M. Korea time
Summary: A story about a real love affair between two young man and woman who just knowing each other as a friend for awhile.

Jin-Ah Yoon (Actress: Ye-Jin Son)
35 years old / works for a coffee company

Joon-Hee Seo (Actor: Hae-In Jeong)
31 years old / works for a game company as a art director

Gyeong-Sun Seo (Actress: So-Yeon Jang)
Jin-Ah's friend / Joon-Hee's older sister / works for a coffee shop
Highly recommend this drama if you are a Korean drama fan.
It is very typical romance story drama, but that is the point! You will fall in love :D!
Photo Credit:
JTBC - tv.jtbc.joins.com/pretty