ARTIST Red Velvet
ALBUM The Perfect Red Velvet - The 2nd Album Repackage
Red Velvet - Bad Boy
Who dat who dat who dat boy
수많은 사람 속 눈에 띈
Eye-catching through the crowd
무심한 그 표정 I like that
Your unconcerned look I like that
내 호기심을 자극하지
That stimulates my curiosity
Oh 시크한 스타일은 덤
Oh Chic style is an extra
입은 옷은 신경 쓴 듯 안 쓴 듯
Can't tell if you care about your clothes
관심 없는 말투 I like that
Your uninterested tone I like that
외면해 봐도 끌려
I'm attracted even though I tried to look away
달라 도도한 날 웃게 하잖아
You are different, you make me smile
알잖아 요즘 내가 Hot ah ah
You know that I'm hot these days ah ah
날 보는 시선 너도 느껴봐
Feel attention that I get
홀린 듯 날 따라와
Follow me like you are bewitched by me
모두 환호해 너도 곧 Ooh ooh (Oh-eh-oh-eh-oh)
Everyone cheers, and soon you are going to Ooh ooh
아닌 척해도 넌 Ooh ooh (Oh-eh-oh-eh-oh)
Even though you pretend you are not
한 번 내기를 해볼까
Should we bet?
너무 쉽겐 오지 마
Don't come so easily
재미없잖아 거기서 Ooh ooh (Oh-eh-oh-eh-oh)
That's not fun, stand right there Ooh ooh
밀고 당겨볼까 Ooh ooh (Oh-eh-oh-eh-oh)
Let's push and pull Ooh ooh
시작할게 Bad boy down
Let's begin Bad boy down
Whoa whoa
지금부터 Bad boy down
From now won Bad boy down
Whoa whoa
잠깐 이리 와봐 너에게만 할 말이 있어
Come here for a second, I have something to tell you
가까이 좀 와 고갤 숙여 키를 낮춰봐
Come closer, lower your head and height
다른 건 신경 쓰지 마
Don't care about anything else
내 목소리에 집중해
Focus on my voice
상황은 좀 달라져
Things are different
주위를 맴도는 내가 궁금해
Wonder who I am
너도 알게 될 거야 (뭘까?) 알 거야 (말해)
You'll find out (what?) you will know (tell me)
이미 늦어버렸단 걸
That it's too late
맞아 사실 꽤나 자신 있어 난
Yeah actually I'm pretty confident
지는 게임 하진 않아 Ha ah ah
I don't play losing games Ha ah ah
벌써 반쯤은 넘어왔잖아
You are already halfway through
홀린 듯 날 따라와
Follow me like you are bewitched by me
모두 환호해 너도 곧 Ooh ooh (Oh-eh-oh-eh-oh)
Everyone cheers, and soon you are going to Ooh ooh
아닌 척해도 넌 Ooh ooh (Oh-eh-oh-eh-oh)
Even though you pretend you are not
한 번 내기를 해볼까
Should we bet?
너무 쉽겐 오지 마
Don't come so easily
재미없잖아 거기서 Ooh ooh (Oh-eh-oh-eh-oh)
That's not fun, stand right there Ooh ooh
밀고 당겨볼까 Ooh ooh (Oh-eh-oh-eh-oh)
Let's push and pull Ooh ooh
시작할게 Bad boy down
Let's begin Bad boy down
혼란스런 맘이겠지
You must be confused
상상조차 못할 거야
You can't even imagine it
헤어나려 노력해도
Even if you try to get out
어떤 작은 틈도 없어
There's no a small break
정답은 정해져 있어
The answer is already set
자연스럽게 넌 따라와
Follow me naturally
난 널 선택해
I choose you
난 널 선택했어 이미
I chose you already
홀린 듯 날 따라와
Follow me like you are bewitched by me
모두 환호해 말했지 Ooh ooh (Oh-eh-oh-eh-oh)
Everyone cheers and say Ooh ooh
결관 항상 같아 Ooh ooh (Oh-eh-oh-eh-oh)
The result is always same Ooh ooh
거봐 내가 또 이겼어
See I won again
너무 쉽겐 오지 마
Don't come too easily
재미없잖아 이제 넌 Ooh ooh (Oh-eh-oh-eh-oh)
That's not fun, now you are Ooh ooh
벗어날 수 없어 Ooh ooh (Oh-eh-oh-eh-oh)
Can't escape
내겐 쉽지 Bad boy down
It's easy for me Bad boy down

MV: YouTube - SMTOWN
KOR Lyrics: Naver Music